Jobs, economic opportunity, affordable housing
Vicki has been working hard on your behalf on what matters most; making it easier and cheaper to live and work in this beautiful corner of Vermont.
“Affordability” may be a popular buzzword, but Vicki knows it’s what matters most to our day-to-day lives. The combination of taxation, regulation, healthcare costs, and other government programs, while well-intentioned, can sometimes add more burden to Vermonters than they help. It also affects how people looking to move from other states view us. Recent research has been very clear about this.
“Even before the new federal tax law/cuts, a substantial number of Americans were moving from higher-tax to lower-tax states. Looking at migration flows between the states in 2016, almost 600,000 people with aggregate income of $33 billion moved, on net, from the 25 highest-tax states to the 25 lowest-tax states in that single year. We benefited from several neighbor states having slightly higher taxes than ours.” However, people who are financially mobile enough to move here are also financially mobile enough to leave as well.
“Interstate migration flows are influenced by many factors, including retirement, job opportunities, housing costs, and climate. Experts disagree about how large a role taxes play in migration, but that role will certainly be increased by the new tax law.
Raw data suggests that taxes do influence migration. Of the 25 highest-tax states, 24 of them had net out-migration in 2016. Of the 25 lowest-tax states, 17 had net in-migration. The largest out-migration is from high-tax New York, whereas the largest in-migration is to low-tax Florida. Florida is enjoying an influx of wealthy entrepreneurs and retirees looking for a tax climate that boasts no income tax or estate tax.”
Being sandwiched between NY and NH gives us a unique opportunity to boost in-migration by being more like NH and less like NY.
Vermont was recently ranked the 46th least economically free state. Being the 4th worst state for economic freedom is not a great way to attract businesses, foster job creation in businesses that are already here, or give confidence to local folks to start a business in their living room, board room, or anywhere the motivation leads them.
Vicki is proud of her record of voting based on making it easier to start a business, grow a business, or hire more people. Creating jobs that keep Vermonters here and employed, their kids, and bringing more opportunity to everyone is very important to her.
Similarly, she is also passionate about affordable housing. Being able to afford a comfortable place to grow a family is vitally important to our local communities. Property taxes and regulations have dramatically increased the costs of building, buying, or renting a place to live. She is proud of her efforts to highlight and fight back against these factors.
She has been honored to be involved in the board of directors for RuralEdge community development corporation, helping to increase affordable housing options in the NEK.
Rep. Vicki Strong has been fighting for jobs and housing affordability since day one!
Jobs, economic opportunity, and affordable housing has always been Vicki’s goals in reviewing any legislation that comes before her.
- Vicki has been working hard on helping make housing more affordable, and to increase job opportunities, seen here at a RuralEdge event, an organization she believes in by volunteering on the board of directors.