Vicki Strong champions the cause of ending addiction with a moral compass that directs her with a spirited passion for hope in making a difference in the lives of individuals negatively affected by addiction.

Teen Challenge Vermont recognizes Strong for her compassion and relentless care for the addicted.

Addiction carries with it several variables concerning its cause and having a healthy partnership with Long-term Faith Based Recovery and Government supports the probability for communities to overcome such a crises as the opiate epidemic.

It is with great optimism that Teen Challenge Vermont supports the integral efforts of Rep. Vicki Strong.
— Teen Challenge Vermont


Vicki has been working hard for her constituents and all Vermonters. She values all the people she represents and does her best to accurately represent their voices in Montpelier.

  • She's been fighting to make Vermont and the NEK more affordable.
  • She's been fighting for economic opportunities, and for individuals and small businesses.
  • She's been fighting for opioid treatment programs with high success rates with minimal taxpayer cost. You can help the Teen Challenge progam and find out more by clicking the link below!
  • She's been fighting for lower healthcare costs and freedom for doctors and patients.
  • She's been fighting for the best education opportunities for our kids, freedom for our teachers, and lower costs for taxpayers.
  • She's been fighting for better mental health program improvements and accountability, to keep patients from getting stuck in hospital emergency rooms.
  • She's been fighting for the constitutional rights of all Vermonters.
  • She's been fighting for our most vulnerable by leading by example through local, private charities and programs.